My Beloved Christmas Tradition

  Christmas is the season for giving. Giving praise. Giving presents. Giving cookies. Giving time to your favorite charity. Giving money to the Salvation Army bucket. One of my favorite

My Obligatory November Gratitude List

  Thanksgiving has a funny way of forcing us to stop and think about what we are thankful for in our lives. While I would love to say I spend

I Love Halloween

  I didn’t always love Halloween. In fact, I never even decorated my house until tiny human feet were constantly running around it. I hated the idea of dressing up.

The 3 A’s Of Getting Shit Done

  You have too much to do. Shocker. So does everyone else. You have meetings to attend, appointments to make, projects to complete, bills to pay, kids to pick up,

Dare To Delegate!

Tips & Tricks for Delegating Duties in Your Personal & Professional Life: Got shit to do but can’t seem to find enough time? Channel your inner boss b*tch and get

The Kids Packing Checklist You Needed Last Trip

  My grandparents had a huge world globe in their home. As a child I would close my eyes, spin the globe and daydream about visiting the location my finger

You Got This Mom!

  I was sitting at my desk at the verge of crying when my 6-year-old son walked into the room. His little face filled with concern when he looked at
