The Back Road

To mark the occasion of my 48th birthday, I recently embarked on a solo journey from my hometown of Las Vegas to Palm Desert to rendezvous with my BFF for

A Change In Attitude

Recently, we were in South Bend, Indiana for our teenaged son’s hockey tournament. After dropping our Junior Vegas Golden Knight off at The Ice Box arena (fitting name for the

A Trigger For Transformative Growth

There aren’t a lot of guarantees in life but one thing you can set your clock to is things changing. Your emotions, finances, relationships, kids, friends, circumstances, likes, and dislikes

A Deeper Love

I recently returned from a trip to Costa Rica where I took part in a women’s retreat that centered around loving and taking care of yourself. I learned a great

It’s Time To Get Intentional

Core values. Google it and you’re sure to find a plethora of definitions. Basically, core values are the fundamental beliefs and attitudes you hold about what is important and they

Creating Your 2022 Personal Strategic Plan

We’ve made it to November which means companies, organizations, and individuals are one-by-one realizing the year is quickly coming to an end and they are recognizing the need to plan
