The Pumpkin

As I scrolled Facebook recently, a pumpkin caught my eye. It was white and boasted a black and white striped bow that would offset my outdoor seating pillows nicely. What

A Common Thread

I may not be a relationship expert but I certainly know how to put in the effort to make a relationship last. The proof? My husband and I recently celebrated

A Fresh Perspective

Life can often feel like a never-ending routine, a monotonous cycle of work (think being trapped on a hamster wheel), responsibilities (adulting is highly overrated), and stress (how many times

Cultivating Happiness

Let’s be honest. This year has been a hot mess. A shit show. A dumpster fire. You get the picture. All the 2020 memes have been well-deserved and sometimes hysterical

My Obligatory November Gratitude List

  Thanksgiving has a funny way of forcing us to stop and think about what we are thankful for in our lives. While I would love to say I spend
