Stop Doing & Start Living


The holidays are over and the New Year is here. That means it’s time to get serious and Get Shit Done. Many of us traditionally set resolutions for the new year with the greatest of intentions and for good reason. It holds true that when you change your approach and your perspective, your chances of succeeding exponentially skyrocket. What we sometimes fail to realize, however, is we’re often motivating ourselves all wrong.

Now’s the time to act. Instead of resolving to incorporate new habits into your daily routine to eat better, workout more, and be a better spouse, parent, and all-around person, what if you created a Stop Doing List? We all have unhealthy habits, behaviors, or old ways of doing things that no longer serve us (or never did). They may even prohibit us from living our lives to the fullest and be the reason we’re not the best spouse, parent, and person we could be. And you can’t fully move on to bigger and better things until you commit to handling issues that would otherwise continue serving as setbacks.

When it comes to productivity and getting shit done, the key to staying motivated and inspired is confidence. But how can you confidently enter a new opportunity, partnership, or relationship when you bring baggage to the table? It’s difficult! Stop swimming against the current. Set yourself up for betterment by breaking bad habits and correcting behaviors that are detrimental to your development in both your personal or professional life.

Understanding the value of creating a Stop Doing List rather than a list of resolutions you’ll likely quit anyway (don’t hate! Statistics say so) is the secret to success for the long run. While everyone’s list will evidently vary, here are some things that ended up on my list:

Janette's 2019 Stop Doing List

When you stop something rather than start something, you feel a sense of accomplishment that frees you up to proceed with your dreams, goals, and aspirations. So this year, try to stop doing so you can start living your best life yet.

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