Glitter & Unicorns

With summer winding down and kids heading back to school, many of us are settling back into the daily grind of our busy lives and dealing with more and more

My New Plan

I love that quote almost as much as I love planning. And if you know me, you know I LOVE planning. I believe in it. When I take the time

Pajamas Are Not An Option

If there’s two things I can count on when I open Facebook these days, it’s the presence of COVID-19 news stories and memes to make light of them. And I

Rejections Sucks

It’s been awhile since I faced rejection but it recently showed up for an unpleasant visit. And it sucks just as much as I remember it sucking. I had applied

My Power Hour

We have rules in our home. One of the most sacred is to leave mom alone in the morning. In fact, I’m not officially on the mom clock until 7am.

Just Write

I may be late to the party but I recently started listening to podcasts. During the episode Never Struggle with Copy Again on The Influencer Podcast with Julie Solomon, her

Finding My Voice

Meet my nemesis… Last week, Dress for Success Southern Nevada held its 7th Annual Champagne Luncheon & Fashion Show. As the Chairman of the Board of Directors, I was tasked

Stop Doing & Start Living – The Value of Creating a Stop Doing List Instead of a Resolution for the New Year

  The holidays are over and the New Year is here. That means it’s time to get serious and Get Shit Done. Many of us traditionally set resolutions for the

The 3 A’s Of Getting Shit Done

  You have too much to do. Shocker. So does everyone else. You have meetings to attend, appointments to make, projects to complete, bills to pay, kids to pick up,

Dare To Delegate!

Tips & Tricks for Delegating Duties in Your Personal & Professional Life: Got shit to do but can’t seem to find enough time? Channel your inner boss b*tch and get
