A Trigger For Transformative Growth

There aren’t a lot of guarantees in life but one thing you can set your clock to is things changing. Your emotions, finances, relationships, kids, friends, circumstances, likes, and dislikes

A Deeper Love

I recently returned from a trip to Costa Rica where I took part in a women’s retreat that centered around loving and taking care of yourself. I learned a great

It’s Time To Get Intentional

Core values. Google it and you’re sure to find a plethora of definitions. Basically, core values are the fundamental beliefs and attitudes you hold about what is important and they

Life Lessons I Learned From Haunted Houses

Ever since he was a child, my husband Pat has loved haunted houses. Despite my love for Halloween, I have never shared his passion. I don’t understand why people want

Passion Bundling For The Win

If you have kids, kids who are back in school this month, I hope to goodness that means you find yourself with more time. More time for all the dishes,

Mindset Transformation

Your mindset matters. We have all heard it a million times and yet we still allow negative thoughts to creep in and do damage at times. Thoughts like: It’s just

Gen X To The Rescue

A great divide is going on in this country but I’m not talking about race, politics, the economy, or whether biological men should be allowed to play women’s sports. Oh

Halftime 2022: Strategizing For A Great Second Half

Spoiler alert: it’s almost halftime 2022! As every good coach knows, halftime presents an opportunity to regroup, change strategies, and get motivated to go for the win. While the official

Spring Break Is For Everyone

Spring Break is just around the corner for our household and the air feels a bit different around here. It’s like all of us have senioritis and are just counting

The Year of Being vs. Doing

In January 2020 I set an intention to be more and do less. Boy, the joke was on me. The universe (and COVID) had other plans for me and the
