Time To Downsize

A few years ago, my husband and I agreed that when our oldest son went off to college it would be time to downsize. As we inched toward 2024 through

Our Hockey Family

For the past four years, we have been riding the hockey parent rollercoaster. Throughout this time, our youngest son has been dedicated to playing travel hockey, which introduced us to

My Empty Nest

I spent Friday afternoon on the golf course with my eldest son. It was probably the first time he was on the course and didn’t hit a single ball but

A Change In Attitude

Recently, we were in South Bend, Indiana for our teenaged son’s hockey tournament. After dropping our Junior Vegas Golden Knight off at The Ice Box arena (fitting name for the

The Pumpkin

As I scrolled Facebook recently, a pumpkin caught my eye. It was white and boasted a black and white striped bow that would offset my outdoor seating pillows nicely. What

A Common Thread

I may not be a relationship expert but I certainly know how to put in the effort to make a relationship last. The proof? My husband and I recently celebrated

A Fresh Perspective

Life can often feel like a never-ending routine, a monotonous cycle of work (think being trapped on a hamster wheel), responsibilities (adulting is highly overrated), and stress (how many times

Here Comes Fall

This summer, like every summer for our family, has been a time for stepping away from our structured routines to travel more, play more, sleep more, relax more, but also

Let’s Get Physical

According to an article on Statista, the top three New Year’s resolutions in the U.S. this year were to exercise more, eat healthier, and lose weight. Admirable resolutions for sure

Mental Health Maintenance

I’m not a licensed therapist, counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist but I am a spouse, mother, business woman, and above all else, a human being, so the pursuit of mental health
