Here Comes Fall

This summer, like every summer for our family, has been a time for stepping away from our structured routines to travel more, play more, sleep more, relax more, but also

Let’s Get Physical

According to an article on Statista, the top three New Year’s resolutions in the U.S. this year were to exercise more, eat healthier, and lose weight. Admirable resolutions for sure

Mental Health Maintenance

I’m not a licensed therapist, counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist but I am a spouse, mother, business woman, and above all else, a human being, so the pursuit of mental health

A Trigger For Transformative Growth

There aren’t a lot of guarantees in life but one thing you can set your clock to is things changing. Your emotions, finances, relationships, kids, friends, circumstances, likes, and dislikes

It’s Time To Get Intentional

Core values. Google it and you’re sure to find a plethora of definitions. Basically, core values are the fundamental beliefs and attitudes you hold about what is important and they

Passion Bundling For The Win

If you have kids, kids who are back in school this month, I hope to goodness that means you find yourself with more time. More time for all the dishes,

Halftime 2022: Strategizing For A Great Second Half

Spoiler alert: it’s almost halftime 2022! As every good coach knows, halftime presents an opportunity to regroup, change strategies, and get motivated to go for the win. While the official

How To Create Better Work-Life Balance When Working From Home

Work-life balance. We’ve all heard of it. There are countless books and articles written about, podcasts talking about it, and experts debating it. Perhaps we all even strive for it

Change We Must

The fall season is full of change. The weather finally starts to cool down (thank goodness). The leaves slowly change from green to brilliant hues of reds, oranges, and yellows.

Leadership Is A Funny Thing

Leadership is a funny thing. Sometimes we volunteer for it. Sometimes we are voluntold. Other times it hits us like a heat-seeking missile we didn’t see coming. No matter how
