We have all heard the ubiquitous phrase, “Get out of your comfort zone. It’s how you grow…” Blah… blah… blah. Well, I’m a creature of habit and prefer comfort to the unfamiliar so I meet the edges of my comfort zone with great resistance. In fact, I usually have an A, B, and C plan in place to ensure I can stay within the contours of my comfort zone. However, the universe often has different plans for us. Sometimes we are thrust out of our comfort zones, and other times we must make a conscious effort to expand our world and embrace discomfort. Over the last couple of months, I’ve experienced a poignant blend of both.
Dropping both of my boys off at school on the other side of the country was extremely uncomfortable (not to mention sad), but it was an important, bittersweet step forward for our family. Since September, my husband and I have also been splitting our time between the vibrant energy of Las Vegas and the serene beauty of New Hampshire. At first, I felt like a bewildered alien. Everything was SO different from my accustomed surroundings. So, I took a friend’s advice and embarked on a quest to discover my “spots”—my favorite place to get coffee, work out, shop, etc. Another friend suggested I start saying “yes” to opportunities I would usually say “no” to. These newfound philosophies led me to find a perfectly quaint coffee shop, a workout class that I love, and taking time to watch the beautiful New Hampshire sunsets from my living room window. I also accepted an invitation to become a stylist for Cabi, a decision fueled by my enthusiasm for fashion, flair for fun, adoration for the clothes, and the prospect of connecting with other women.
Doing hard things can have big payoffs. For instance, flying across the country with our Bengal cat, Riley, was a challenge I was not looking forward to. Amidst the apprehension though, I discovered avenues of support I didn’t even know existed, like private screening rooms at TSA. Ironically, my greatest fear – Riley’s incessant meowing throughout the flight – never materialized. Instead, I was subjected to the never-ending chatter of the boisterous lot in row 9 who spoke so loudly I could still hear them through my noise-canceling headphones! Regardless of the challenges involved in getting Riley to New Hampshire, it was worth venturing into unknown territory because her presence brings us so much joy and comfort.
These experiences underscored a crucial realization: We often build up tasks, projects, and situations in our heads as being incredibly difficult because they are new to us and therefore uncomfortable. However, in reality, these seemingly daunting obstacles wind up not being so tough and the rewards surpass the extra effort and discomfort.
Consider if there’s an obstacle in your life that you’re hesitant to take on because you’d be navigating unfamiliar territory and if its completion could unlock new possibilities or rewards, and therefore be worth stepping outside of your comfort zone!
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