![IG - Top 10 Lessons Learned In 2021](https://janettebyrne.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/SW-Blog-IG-Top-10-Lessons-Learned-In-2021.png)
2021 was full of valuable lessons for me, mostly involving self-care, Here are my top 10 takeaways heading into 2022:
#1 Pandemics can last a really long time
I mean seriously, how long is this thing going to linger on? There have been several pandemics I know of in my lifetime, but none have affected my community and way of life like COVID-19. Not even close. I can’t wait for the new normal to actually be normal. In reality, I may be waiting a long time…
#2 Brains need rest
If I’m not intentional with resting my brain, the hamsters inside keep running on their noisy wheels causing me to feel overwhelmed. I’ve learned that sitting still and shutting off your thoughts even for just two minutes can work miracles by improving your mood, boosting your performance, increasing your ability to concentrate, and reducing your stress.
#3 Decision fatigue is a real thing
Pre-COVID my life was a well-oiled machine and my ability to make even the toughest of decisions was legendary. Now, I’m constantly having to decide if I should wear a mask/travel/vax my kids/hug a friend/attend an event/call the doctor/buy two bundles of toilet paper/wipe my counter down a third time today and it’s worn down my decision-making ability. I am wiped out from making decisions based on perceived risk all day, every day, so now just having to make the simple decision between gold or silver earrings makes me want to scream… or cry.
#4 Your happiness is your responsibility
It is not your kids’ job, your spouse’s job, your employees’ job, or your friends’ job to make you happy. Plus, they couldn’t make you happy even if they tried, at least not in a sustainable way. They might provide fleeting moments of happiness for you when they ace their test, bring you flowers, nail that presentation, or invite you on a trip, but true happiness is more long-term and comes from deep within. It is the result of living at peace with your mind, body, and soul and feeling contentment despite whatever trials and tribulations you’re facing. And that kind of happiness, my friend, takes a whole lot of self-work.
#5 If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~ Wayne Dwyer
When you find yourself cranky because you must do something, perhaps you’re coming at the task from the wrong angle and just need to change the way you look at it. Ask yourself if you HAVE to do it or if you GET to do to it. Do you have to get up at 5am to go to the gym? Nope, but do get to because you’re healthy, able-bodied, and have reliable transportation that will get you there? Absolutely. I’ve learned there’s nothing to be cranky about when I intentionally shift my perspective.
#6 Slow breathing is a necessary stress-reliever
Sometimes I find myself running a mile a minute attempting to do everything for everyone. After all, “Mom” is apparently the only name people remember in this house. When life starts feeling too chaotic and I’m about pull my hair out, I remind myself to breathe and slow down because it won’t be the end of the world if he’s five minutes late to practice, the lasagna cooked too long, or I can’t find the seafood forks. It certainly costs less than therapy, too. Deep breath in… Deep breath out…
#7 Change is inevitable
I’m not sure who Heraclitus is other than he was a Greek philosopher who lived thousands of years ago. I do know he was a pretty wise man, having said, “Change is the only constant.” That statement rings true today in 2021 as health protocols, school policies, political stances, restaurant menus, remote working situations, mask mandates, statistics, and the like seem to constantly be changing. I’ve learned there’s little point in memorizing or even making mental note of the aforementioned because next week they will have inevitably changed again.
#8 Cats are hilarious animals
I’ve always owned dogs. I love dogs. I can list countless ways they live up to the title of man’s best friend. Last year, I took on the role of Bengal Mom to Riley. Bengals are more exotic that your average house cat but they are just as full of themselves and hilarious. Riley chases her tail like it’s her job. Around and around and around. I get dizzy just watching her. She’s also obsessed with water which is amusing. She’ll happily join you in the shower or beg you to turn on the kitchen sink so she can drink from the faucet. Man’s best friend Riley is not but she quickly became our dog Sinead’s best friend. They spend hours on end wrestling each other all over the house. Okay, so maybe they’re frenemies. Either way, they’re great at keeping us entertained.
#9 Workout classes are life
In my home, I am the CEO in charge of everything from creating a vision for our family’s future and all the nitty gritty details that will make it come to fruition, down to researching which Goo-Gone will effectively get the silly putty out of my son’s pants. I do it all and I don’t mind because I love my family. I also love being in charge. “If you want it done right, do it yourself,” often circulates my mind. Sometimes though, it’s nice not to be in charge and have to make every decision. My gym is the one place in my life where I get to just show up and be told what to do. I absolutely love the release of sweat, fat, oxytocin, and power the workout classes provide me.
#10 Sleep is good for you
I’m pretty sure we all know this but did you know that sleep deprivation is similar to alcohol intoxication? In fact, almost 20% of all car crash accidents and injuries are associated with sleepiness, over 100 thousand deaths can be attributed to medical errors due to sleep deprivation, and lack of sleep costs the United States over $411 Billion annually. Yikes; sleep is important! So how much sleep should we be getting? The National Sleep Foundation says 7 to 9 hours for most healthy adults. So tonight and every night following, make sleep a priority. Turn off Netflix, stop scrolling social media, and hit the pillow earlier. Your health and productivity will thank you.
What lessons have you learned in 2021?
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