My Beloved Christmas Tradition


Christmas is the season for giving. Giving praise. Giving presents. Giving cookies. Giving time to your favorite charity. Giving money to the Salvation Army bucket. One of my favorite things to give during the holiday season is our personalized Christmas cards. I would like to personally thank Annie Oakley for sending the first known personalized Christmas card back in 1891. Leave it to a badass woman to create my favorite thing about Christmas.

I find annual Christmas cards sent to friends and family fascinating. Perhaps you buy a box of cards with a sentimental message inside. If you have young children, you might create your own card using photos from the past year or the perfect family photo taken by a professional photographer. If you don’t have human children (or your kids are too old or too cool to have a family photo taken), you might use photos of your pets. They are children too after all and just about anything goes.

My family has its own tradition when it comes to Christmas cards. We agree on a theme and create something special that’s unique and unforgettable to us. In 2015, we paid tribute to my husband’s alma mater, the University of Kentucky. Go Wildcats!

2015 New

Our 2016 and 2017 cards were inspired by our family Halloween costumes.

Christmas Card 2016


Christmas Card 2017

The first time I drove past a Vegas Golden Knights billboard that read “Vegas Born” I knew what our 2018 cards should be. After all, I am Vegas born. My kids are Vegas born. My husband? Not so much. He’s more of a transplant but he loves this city and has lived here most of his life. I adore Las Vegas and the beautiful life it has afforded our family. This year, I wanted to pay tribute to the team that captured our hearts and helped us heal in our darkest hour. Thankfully, my family jumped right on board.

Christmas Card 2018

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