My Obligatory November Gratitude List


Thanksgiving has a funny way of forcing us to stop and think about what we are thankful for in our lives. While I would love to say I spend the other 364 days of the year oozing gratitude, the reality is some days I’m much more grateful than others.

So here it goes, my obligatory November gratitude list.

I Am Grateful For…

1. My good health. I am super cranky when I’m sick so everyone around me should be grateful, too.

2. My tall, handsome husband. He loves me unconditionally and is the only man I ever dated who didn’t want to change me. He is also hilarious and fills our home with fun and laughter.

3. My crazy children. They drive me to the brink of insanity one minute, then fill my heart with love the next. Thank you for picking me to be your mom!

4. Being born in the United States of America. I know it’s not politically correct these days to be a nationalist, but I am truly grateful. Thank you to the men, women, and families of the armed forces who put their ass on the line every day so I can have the freedoms most of us take for granted.

5. My college education. My grandmother had a 4th grade education and my dad never graduated from college, but they knew the importance of education. I was the first person in my family to graduate from college.

6. Coffee. I really love coffee. In fact, I get up at 5:30am almost every day so I can enjoy my morning coffee without any of the chaos that starts the minute my children open their eyes.

7. My tribe. I am blessed to have amazing women in my life that inspire and support me to be the best friend, wife, and mom I can be. You know who you are. Thank you for being my tribe.

8. Online shopping. Let’s be honest. Online shopping is awesome! We should all be thankful for Amazon Prime and free shipping.

9. All the apps that make my life easier.

10. Digital cameras. And filters. I‘ve always enjoyed taking pictures but have never been a great photographer. I’m thankful to whoever invented digital cameras and the filters I use to make my photos look better so I don’t have to spend a fortune on film developing.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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