SW Blog - Leadership Is A Funny Thing

Leadership is a funny thing. Sometimes we volunteer for it. Sometimes we are voluntold. Other times it hits us like a heat-seeking missile we didn’t see coming. No matter how you end up in a leadership role, there is one thing you must remember to do when you are there… LOOK. BACK.

You may be “the leader” after all, but is anyone following you? Are people saying yes in team meetings but sabotaging the results of the team behind your back?  Don’t feel bad. It has happened to all of us, including me.

I have a scary ability to see the finish line and I often forget to make sure everyone on my team is willingly keeping up in the race. My ambition keeps me focused on the goal but it also makes me forget to look behind me. When I do, sometimes I realize no one is following me. I recognize the problem and am taking action to make necessary changes. As Simon Sinek said, “A boss has the title. A leader has the people.” To remain the leader, you must have the people.

Here are a few things I’m working on to make sure my team is with me:

  • Am I being too direct? I don’t use a lot of glitter and unicorns in my communication and sometimes it gets me in trouble. Not for what I said (its usually true) but because of how I said it. I constantly need to remind myself to tone it down and work on my delivery, especially if it’s unfavorable feedback. A little glitter never hurts.
  • I am extremely laser-focused; not everyone else is. I need to remind myself that not everyone thinks like me and accept that members of my team will always see things differently, manage their time differently, and do things differently to achieve desired results AND that’s okay.
  • Am I in the way? On occasions where my team needs more time than I do to get to the finish line, the best thing I can do as a leader might be to step aside, let my team figure it out on their own, and allow them to grow from their experience.

As they pertain to your role as the leader of your business, organization, or household, are these things you could be working on, too?

I invite you to connect with me on Instagram to learn more about the workshops and trainings I offer on leadership: “How To Connect, Inspire, and Motivate Others To Get Desired Results” and “Become An Authentic Leader By Showing The Way”

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