SW Blog - !0 Things I Really Want For Mother's Day 2

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and I must say, I’m excited. Not because we’re planning anything extravagant (though a Disney cruise during non-Covid times would be nice). I’m excited because this year, I told my family what my ideal Mother’s Day looks like and I think the entire clan is finally mature enough and on board to give me what I want. No flowers. No hand-written cards (though those were cute when the kids were young and wrote in crayon). No jewelry. Especially no sweets (weight goals and all). Just exactly what I know will make me feel loved and nourish my soul.

And why shouldn’t I get what I want? Mother’s Day is for mothers, right? The holiday is meant to be a day for people to express honor, respect, and love toward mothers, as well as acknowledge their contributions to their families and the world. Sure, it’s been commercialized in the United States and turned into a 25 billion-dollar industry but at the heart of Mother’s Day is the wonderful theme of celebrating mothers. Well, here’s the God’s honest truth about how I really want to be celebrated on my special day and I’m pretty sure you can relate!

10 Things I Really Want For Mother’s Day

  1. Let me sleep in. No alarms. No kids jumping on my bed. No cat sniffing my face. Send the kids to a slumber party the night before and close the door because this momma is finally getting her long-deserved beauty rest.
  2. Bring me breakfast in bed… from Panera. It’s sweet that you’re willing to make me breakfast but I can ask you to make me eggs and toast any time of the year. I don’t for a reason (no offense to your cooking skills!). A spinach and bacon souffle, Greek yogurt with mixed berries parfait, and iced caramel latte will do quite nicely
  3. Clean the house. Coming downstairs to a house with no dishes be washed, no floors to be swept, no trash to be taken outside, no countertops to be cleaned, and no hockey gear to be put away, would be a dream come true.
  4. Make the kids behave. I don’t care what you have to do. Bribe them with any little thing their hearts desire if necessary. No screaming, no wrestling matches, and no emergency room visits allowed today.
  5. Send me to the spa. Facial. Exfoliation. Hydrotherapy. Aromatherapy. You can’t go wrong. Send me where relaxation and rejuvenation is all but guaranteed. Bonus points if the spa has a jacuzzi and serves champagne.
  6. Let me nap. Total silence sans ear plugs would be ideal for my afternoon nap. I hear there’s a new park down the street. Take the kids to run around for a couple of hours and leave me in peace to enjoy my sweet slumber.
  7. Plan an outing with the kids. I’m down to get out of the house and make some memories with our rowdy offspring. Get creative. But here’s the catch: I’m not packing snacks, sunscreen, or umbrellas. And I’m not finding shoes, sunglasses, or keys. And I’m definitely not doing any of the planning. That, my dear family, is on you today.
  8. Send me shopping. Just me, my favorite store, and a gift card. There are few things better than shopping alone with no time constraints. An hour browsing cosmetics or home décor without comments or annoyed glares from the peanut gallery? Sounds like heaven to me.
  9. Take me out to dinner. Preferably nowhere fancy. We all know cooking is work. Well, so is getting dressed up and I refuse to work on Mother’s Day. Just take me somewhere that’s clean with delicious food and great service.
  10. Put me to bed with the remote. What’s that you say? Mommy’s not feeling well. Yes, poor Mommy needs to go to bed early (so she can binge on Netflix alone). 

Goodnight family. Thank you for the best Mother’s Day ever!!!

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