SW Blog - My New Plan 2

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin FranklinClick To Tweet

I love that quote almost as much as I love planning. And if you know me, you know I LOVE planning. I believe in it. When I take the time to plan out what, when, and how I’m going to do something, be it a giant project like throwing our Halloween party or a small task like preparing a grocery list, I know I will get the results I want. I also will successfully diminish the feelings of overwhelm and total chaos that would creep in as a result of failing to plan.

Toward the end of every year, I take time to reflect upon what I did right and what I could have done better. Then, I plan my year to come based on what I learned. I even envision what I want my next three, five, and ten years to look like. I usually enjoy my ritual of assessing what I want to accomplish and creating an action plan to make it happen but this year, I find it positively daunting. I know I’m not alone. With so much uncertainty and constant change emerging from every conversation and news brief, I’m having a hard time thinking more than two weeks ahead, let alone one year ahead. Ten? You can fuggedaboutit.

So, this year I’m trying something new. Instead of planning out my entire year, I’m giving myself (and you) permission to think about only the next 90 days. To keep it stupid simple, I’m going to focus on achieving only three unique goals in each area of my life during those 90 days and encourage you to do the same. Three goals is manageable. Three goals is realistic. Three short-term goals is what we should be focusing on during these unprecedented times that are constantly requiring us to be flexible and adapt to changes that are being thrown at us from all directions. Eventually we’ll have the energy, mental capacity, and motivation to plan out our entire year but for now, a 90-day plan is what’s on the menu. If all goes to hell, at least rescheduling will be that much easier.

Download my free 90-Day Goal Worksheet below which will guide you through creating your three top goals for each area of your life so you can tackle the first quarter of 2021 with a solid, well-thought-out plan.

Download Worksheet - 90-Day Goals



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