SW Blog - Super Women 2

One of the things I love most about the month of October is Halloween, but not because of the fun my boys have trick or treating, the over-the-top parties we’ve been known to throw, the spooky haunted houses that dare you to enter, or the permission slip to binge on everything Hershey, Nestlé, and Mars. I simply love that for one day a year, it is socially acceptable to wake up and pretend to be your favorite superhero… as an adult (toddlers get that pass year round). As a little girl, I wasn’t a fan of having to don a DIY costume just to walk around my neighborhood and continually answer the question, “And what are you, dear?” in exchange for treats my big sister would eat most of anyway. As an adult though, I love that I get to dress up as Black Widow, Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, or whomever else I feel like being. As silly as it may sound, putting on a superhero costume makes me feel like I’m able to save the world while not chipping my nail polish.

Super Women

While it’s perfectly acceptable (and even expected here in Las Vegas) for adults to show up in the world in costume on Halloween, what about the other 364 days of the year? How are you showing up in the world on a daily basis? Are you showing up compassionate, caring, opinionated, highly competitive, and outgoing like Wonder Woman? Or are you perhaps showing up ruthless, devious, spiteful, and narcissistic like Maleficent? However you’re showing up, is that how you want to be seen? Or might you want to show up differently?

As high-achieving, take-no-prisoners women, we don’t often pause to think about how we’re showing up and how we’re being perceived by the other people with whom we share our homes, our businesses, and our communities. We just show up and get shit done. Sure, we operate effectively as human machines slaying our daily to-do lists, but we simply can’t be the best costume-free, badass version of ourselves unless we’re clear about our personal core values and how we want to outwardly portray them.

Our core values guide our behaviors, decisions, and actions. Therefore, how we show up and how we’re perceived by others is directly affected by them. So I ask, what core values do you care most about? If the answer rolls off your tongue without hesitation, awesome! You can stop reading this and go kick some ass. But if you want to gain clarity on your core values so you can consistently show up in the world as your most desirable self consistently (and even as a Super Woman), I invite you to download my FREE My Core Values Worksheet.

Download Worksheet - My Core Values



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