As each new year approaches many of us stop, even if only briefly, to acknowledge that a year is ending and to welcome in the new year. Leading up to the night of mass reflection and revelry, many of us fall in line with the tradition of working to better ourselves. We create New Year’s resolutions, stop doing lists, or pick a word or theme for the year. This New Year’s Eve, as the clock ticked closer to midnight, the mood seemed more daunting than years past, perhaps because we’re not only facing a new year but a new decade. The pressure was felt by many of my friends to make this “Your Best Decade Yet!” Since my birthday falls in January, it was a triple whammy for me. Not only was I welcoming a new year and a new decade, but a higher number to my age as well. And while getting older isn’t exactly fun, it’s certainly better than the alternative. As 2019 came to an end and it officially became 2020, I too thought, what could I do to make this my best decade yet?

During the days that followed, I took time to reflect on my goals. What did I achieve during the past year? What do I want to slay in the year to come? What do I want my life to look life in 5 years? 10 years? As I looked back over 2019, one thing became increasingly clear to me… I suck at doing nothing. Sure, I’m a certificated ninja at getting sh!t done but willingly doing nothing is as foreign to me as Madagascar. I simply suck at the art of relaxing. Meditation? It brings a great sense of calm and peace to most people. It brings me anxiety. The idea of doing nothing (unless I’m sick in bed) sounds like torture. I know meditation can be incredibly beneficial to my mind and body, however, so I’ve vowed to consistently work at developing that skill. For 2020, I’ve also decided to strive for attaining a happy medium. I’m going to keep slaying my tasks and projects like a ninja on a mission but I’m also going to focus on being more mindful and purposefully carve out time in my schedule for more being and less doing.


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