My Power Hour

We have rules in our home. One of the most sacred is to leave mom alone in the morning. In fact, I’m not officially on the mom clock until 7am. Of course, my boys (husband included) don’t always follow this rule but at least 80% of the time they do which in my book is pretty awesome. My second rule for mornings is do not talk to me until I’ve had at least two cups of coffee. Ever. I really mean this one. I LOVE my morning coffee and when I don’t get it, I’m not a happy camper and have a hard time hiding it – not that I’d try.

Five days a week, I get up at 5:30am like clockwork. On the weekends I allow myself to indulge and “sleep in” until 6am. My early bird start commences my morning routine and it works for me. I habitually wake up and look out my window to see what type of sunrise is in store for me. Then, I make my way to the kitchen for my morning coffee. The house is quiet. My mind and body are refreshed. There’s no, “Where is my… (fill in the blank)?” or “Mom, he won’t stop looking at me!” I get ready to take on the day without any clutter in my brain and am able to think. I like to call this sacred time “My Power Hour.” I sip my coffee. I journal. I review my goals for the day, week, and month. I plan out my day and work on my projects that require deep thought.

I LOVE My Power Hour. When I get it, I feel like I can take on the world. When I don’t, my day feels a little off. I honor that time with myself because I’ve learned how it affects my mood and ability to get shit done the rest of the day. When I hear the eventual sounds of my house waking up and the pounding of boys’ feet on the stairs, I know my quiet bliss is coming to an end and it’s time to take on the day ahead. My Power Hour helps give me the mindset and energy to do so and for that, I’m thankful.

How do you start your day?


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