The 3 A's of Getting Shit Done


You have too much to do. Shocker. So does everyone else.

You have meetings to attend, appointments to make, projects to complete, bills to pay, kids to pick up, events to attend, trips to pack for, meals to cook, and the list goes on and on.

It’s no wonder you have a hard time getting shit done. You’re so busy that you can lose focus on what you need to get done versus want to get done and let’s be honest, you just have too much to do. Your plate is full of everything under the sun making you stressed out, tired, and not wanting to get out of bed in the morning.

Well don’t roll over and play dead. Not yet at least.

First try implementing the 3 A’s of getting shit done. Who knows? You might find out you’re fully capable of doing just that.

The 3 A’s of Getting Shit Done

ASSESSMENT: Figure Out What’s Getting In Your Way

Before you can get shit done, you must find out why you currently are not. Assess what you could be doing differently and why you’re getting in your own way.

Have an open and honest conversation with yourself. Ask yourself questions to figure out your biggest self-created obstacles and develop a clear picture of what’s hindering you from getting shit done.

Do you keep all of your tasks in your head?

Do you fail to plan and just take the punches as they come?

Do you accept every business and social invitation that comes your way?

Do you commit to way too much?

Do you eat healthily so you have energy to get through your day?

Do your kids participate in unnecessary activities that make you feel like your real career is taxi driving?

Do you start tasks and projects but don’t complete them?

Do you procrastinate on important matters?

Do you reach out to others for help when you need it?

Do you schedule your appointments and meetings on one, reliable calendar?

Do you spend way too much time on social media? Or watching TV? Or sleeping in?

If you don’t get to the bottom of the real issues keeping you from meeting your potential, you never will meet it!

ACTION: Having A Plan Is Crucial

Once you’ve discovered what’s holding you back from getting shit done, it’s time to act!

Create a plan of action and work it. When you have a plan for what you need to get done, you won’t be as easily distracted by social media and unimportant tasks like cleaning out your pantry and reorganizing your desk drawer. You’ll be focused on what matters!

Cut through your b.s. and eliminate everything you’re doing that’s not working. Do you keep all your tasks in your head? Start a to-do list immediately. Write down the top three things you want to get done today and put them in priority order. Then write down everything else you’d like to get done today. Complete your three priority tasks and you can give yourself a giant pat on the back for getting shit done. Important shit. Shit that matters. Didn’t get to that task of uploading your photos from last night to Facebook? Guess what? It will be okay. That’s a low-priority task, if you can even call it that. Time sensitive, important tasks left uncompleted justifiably cause stress. Don’t let others do the same. Continue adding to your task list, making sure to prioritize your most important tasks each day.

Do you not reach out to others for help when you need it? Start delegating tasks to your employees, contract labor, spouse, siblings, and kids. You will never know how helpful others can be if you don’t give them the chance. Could one of your employees handle your accounting? Could a graphic designer create your social media images? Could your assistant deliver your lunch? Could your hubby pick the kids up from soccer practice? Could your kids load the dishwasher? Every minute saved gives you more time to get your important shit done. Plan out what you could delegate then start asking.

Whatever you discovered you need to change, you must cut through your excuses and change your ways. Plan out what you’re going to start doing differently and take action, executing the necessary steps to get shit done.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Do What You Say You’re Going To

What happens when your intentions and plans go awry? What do you do when you get knocked off course? Do you get back up, course correct, and shift your focus back to getting shit done? Or like so many, do you get discouraged to the point of paralysis?

Stop making excuses for why you’re not getting shit done! Illnesses arise. In-laws make unexpected visits. Cell phones fall in pools. Technology fails. Clients no-show. Meetings get cancelled. Unexpected events occur on the daily but it’s what you do post unexpected event that matters. If you keep relying on scapegoats for why you’re not getting shit done, you’ll never be out of reasons. Life gives you an infinite amount.

Regardless of what happens throughout the day, you need to bandage your wounds quickly and then return to completing what you had planned, holding true to your original intentions for the day as much as possible. No one else will tell you to put your big girl panties on and finish your important work when things go awry. That’s up to you. Hold yourself accountable because at the end of the year, you can only blame yourself for what you failed to get done.

Getting shit done feels good, doesn’t it? Checking things off your list – especially tasks that have been there awhile – provides a sense of relief and fulfillment. Getting shit done helps you sleep better because you don’t stay awake thinking of all the important stuff you have to do. Getting shit done gets you closer to achieving your ambitious business goals. Did I mention it feels good?

So stop whining about everything you’re not getting done! Assess why you’re not, take appropriate action to get shit done, and hold yourself accountable so you consistently do.


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